Do you have an artefact or item of memorabilia you are thinking of donating?
The Wings Museum is always looking for new exhibits to enhance and improve our displays. We love items that have a personal story to tell and for us, even if we have an example of an item in the museum already, it is the individual stories and histories behind these artefacts that are the most important.

We are a remembrance museum and are custodians of these important historical artefacts, ensuring that they are preserved for future generations. These items play a vital part in keeping the memories alive of all those individuals who served, and often died, for the service of their country in World War Two, whatever their nationality.
We display a wealth of memorabilia from many different nations including:
- Britain
- France
- Belgium
- Holland
- Germany
- Australia
- Poland
- Canada
- Russia
- Japan
Our museum is non-political and we do not glorify war in any way. These sacrifices should be remembered and we all have a duty to learn from the past.
Our museum covers all theatres of World War Two including:
- The Battle of Britain
- The Blitz
- Air War over Europe including Royal Air Force Bomber Command, Fighter Command, and Eighth United States Army Air Force.
- Europe
- The Pacific
- Burma
- India
- and even the atomic bombing of Japan which brought World War Two to a close.
Where there is a group of items relating to one particular serviceman or woman, we are keen to keep these items together and have a dedicated display case telling that individual’s history. Where possible a photograph of the individual concerned and a note of the donor is also included in the display.

The museum is keen to accept any donations of original memorabilia to help tell these important histories. We find from experience that it is the original items that capture the interest and imagination of younger generations. Your items will help us in our important work of keeping the memories alive for future generations.
Our displays include:
- Home Front
- Air Force
- Army
- Navy
- Women’s Services
- Air Raids
- D-Day
- V1 and V2 weapons
Including items such as:
- Deactivated guns and weaponry
- Uniforms
- Helmets
- Medals
- Personal issue equipment
- Paperwork
- Log books
- Souvenirs
- Relics
- Photographs
- Equipment

If you have something in mind that could find a home here at the Wings Museum please do get in touch with us, we would love to hear from you.