Below are a few of the parts recovered during our various investigations at the crash site.
Part of the gun site from R2065 with a complete example in the background showing the location of the part from R2065
Another view of the gun site – original part from R2065 in background
Airframe part showing extreme damage from the impact and explosion
Electrical panel with “F34” does anyone know what this means?
Skinning showing internal cockpit colour grey/green and exterior “night fighter” black cammo
Electrical socket from Beaufighter R2065
Burnt remains of the beech tree that R2065 hit on that fateful night, this was found amongst wreckage
Another view showing obvious burning
More burnt wood found with remains of R2065
A rare find – one of the Radar Receiver Antennas from the wing leading edge. One can only imagine what “blips” on the radar screen this very antenna would have received while on night patrols over South London in 1940 during the Blitz
Believed to be part of the housing used on the front Radar Transmitter Aerial or sometimes referred to as the “bow and arrow” aerial
Anyone know what this is??
Anyone know what this is??
Various fragmented airframe parts from Beaufighter R2065 including a large piece of engine cowling
The front of the propeller boss cleaned up
Melted perspex from the cockpit area
Air Ministry marked terminal blocks from electrical systems