Podcast – Why visit the Wings Museum?
In this episode of the Wings Museum podcast we speak to visitor Mike O’Neill about why he has brought his walking group, the ‘Old Dogs’, to see the museum’s Dakota, […]
Podcast – Remembering crew of Handley Page Hampden AE244 in Belgium
In this episode we catch up with museum co-curator Daniel Hunt and talk about the museum’s new six day a week opening times, what’s new in the museum, and what […]
Podcast – Radio Sets of World War Two
In this episode we talk about the museum’s collection of wartime radio equipment and the challenges of restoring them to working order, and then keeping them there!
Podcast – Volunteering at the Museum
In this edition we talk to Len Wellington about his time volunteering at the Wings Museum, why he does it, and what he gets out of it.
Podcast – The Importance of Remembrance
In this edition we talk to Daniel Hunt, one of the museum’s curators, about how important remembrance is in the curation of the museum. He also tells us where the […]
Podcast – Preparing for the re-opening on 2nd March
In this edition we find out about preparations for the re-opening of the museum on 2nd March, and talk about a rare item that has recently been added to the museum’s collection.
Podcast – Ongoing Aircraft Restoration Projects
In this first edition of the Wings Museum podcast, we take a look round the museum’s ongoing aircraft restoration projects with volunteer George Chatwin. Aircraft include the Douglas Invader, BAC […]