About Us

The Wings Museum is very much a growing and active museum.

Through the use of informative displays we aim to educate future generations of the sacrifices made by so many during World War Two in order to preserve the peace we all benefit from today. It is our goal to ensure that the memory of those who made such sacrifices are not lost through the passage of time, and that the courage and spirit of those individuals lives on to inspire us all.

Discover real history set among the sounds of the 1940s. Every artefact has its own unique story to tell. Whatever your interest or background you are bound to find something of interest at the Wings Aviation Museum!

More about us…


About the Curators

  Sharing a life-long passion for warbirds for over 40 years, and with a growing collection of memorabilia, the Hunt brothers established the Wings Museum in 2003 based at the […]

Wings News

Here’s all the latest news from Wings Aviation Museum

Volunteering at Wings

The Wings Museum is a standing testament to our past and current volunteers.

Donating Money to Wings

The Wings Museum is proud to be a registered Charity and we have been open to the public for over 18 years. In that time, we have not received any […]

Wings Podcasts

The Wings Museum Podcast …  is a regular behind-the-scenes look at what is happening at the museum.

TV & Film Hire

At Wings Museum we are lucky enough to possess and display a number of items that have often proved desirable for use as props and sets, as well as interview […]