During 2024 our DUKW received well over 100 man hours in preservation work.
This included accessing the hull under the floor and cleaning out the “hat” channels and spraying anti corrosion formula to prevent any future corrosion from occurring. These hat channels are what gives the DUKW’s strength to the plate steel hull. Metal rods were used to remove years of sand and flaking rust from the hollow hat channels, many of which were completely blocked. This was done by ramming the rods down the channels and loosening years of build-up material including rust and sand.

This important work allowed us to apply anti-corrosion formula inside the hat channels that otherwise would have been impossible to get access to! Some of these areas are incredibly small and hard to access and it is these areas that general suffer corrosion. The rear hull compartment for example, one has to squeeze between the fuel tank and the floor to access the rear compartment, not for the tubby or claustrophobic! But it was work that had to be done in order to preserve this piece of history for future generations. Having spent hours inside our DUKW the author can verify that every muscle in your body hurts when you are finally able to stand upright having spent hours at odd angles and kneeling on various steel sections and of course what ever you are using to remove debris or treat corrosion you end up literally wearing it! Respect to all those that drove and maintained these vehicles under combat situations.

Meanwhile volunteer Ron has been reliving what US Soldiers were tasked to do prior to D-Day. The GI’s were tasked with making rope fenders to protect the hull of their DUKW’s while afloat in water. This has involved over 250 meters of hemp rope so far. 4 out of a total of 9 fenders have been completed following the original 1944 instructions and work continues on the other 5! Well done Ron for taking on this project which is not for the faint hearted!

Late last year John (or Jeep John as we call him) began removing the wheels from our DUKW to inspect the brake drums and check the brakes are fully serviceable and safe. This work will continue this year and once we have inspected all 6 wheels we will then be looking for a mobile truck tire fitter to change the tires for the new ones we have in store as the originals are very perished.

The DUKW had a few outings in 2024 (not surprising being the 80th Anniversary of D-Day) She attended the Capel Military Show which was unfortunately a wash out due to some of the wettest weather in years but was otherwise a great event (just as well we had a DUKW). And also she led the D-Day remembrance parade at The Goodwood Revival. This was a real honour and Dan had the huge privilege of driving her round a full circuit of the World famous race track leading dozens of other WW2 veteran vehicles!
It is likely that our DUKW will attend Capel Show again this year and will of course take part in our special event at the museum “Dad Day” or “D-Day” on Sunday 16th June 2025 as mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter.