In 2012 Dan and Kev were invited to attend an excavation of a very rare Heinkel 177 “Greif”  of 4/KG30 that was shot down on 13th June 1944 in Normandy France.

During this excavation the 2 x Daimler Benz 610 engines (2 x DB605 coupled together to make one 610 engine) were unearthed together with the undercarriage legs and unbelievably the rear turret and tail wheel! One of the 610 engines, propeller hub and undercarriage legs were retained for preservation and display in the Wings Museum.

The turret which was designed much like an Armadillo’s shell with moving segments was completely smashed and in several pieces. Being constructed from 10mm armour plate getting this turret back into something recognisable was not going to be an easy task! 

The turret went to a local Blacksmith who over the period of several years worked on the turret as and when time allowed. It was not an easy task and due to some health issues the restoration was delayed. They say good things come to those that wait and that is exactly what happened! Having kept in touch with Andy for the past 7 years, we got an e-mail out of the blue to say it was ready! What he has achieved is quite remarkable and whilst it is not completely restored, the turret retains its originality but is completely transformed from the smashed pile of parts that were recovered in 2012.

It is fantastic to have this unique artefact back at the museum and this piece will be wall mounted in due course and added to the display of parts relating to this aircraft in the museum. 

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