Restoration of Junkers Jumo 211 J-1 aero engine in conjunction with the Norwegian Air Force Museum in Bodø Norway.
The original engine from Ju-88 D1 Werke Number 088 1203 arrived at the Wings Museum from Norway during late January 2009.
The Jumo 211 engine is currently being restored by Wings Museum Volunteers here in England on behalf of the Norwegian Aviation Museum in Bodø Norway as joint venture for their Ju-88 D1 which is currently under restoration in their workshops in Bodø. Eventually this unit will be fitted once again to the restored air-frame of 088 1203 & displayed inside the Luftfarts Museum in Norway for all to see.
The project is spear headed by Museum Curator Daniel Hunt and a dedicated “Jumo 211 Project Team” many of whom are from an engineering background. It is with their dedication, support & hundreds of man hours work labor intensive work that this Jumo is coming back to life after more than 70 years of sitting in the ice & snow of the Norwegian Tundra.
Work currently ongoing…
There has of course been many hundreds of individual components that have been painstakingly restored & it is not possible to cover every detail on this website. Below can be found a brief outline of work completed & work ongoing covering each major assembly.
Crank case assembly:
To summarize the crank case including the crank shaft, pistons, con rods, bearings, cylinder liners etc have been completely stripped & restored. Work is now complete on the crank case which now turns over by hand after more than 70 years! Due to ice damage several cylinder liners & a few pistons had to be replaced using a donor engine recovered from another Ju-88 crash site in Norway. But every effort has been made to use as much original from Ju-88 088 1203 as possible. Much of the original paint has been preserved with some careful re spraying of any areas unprotected by paint.

Cylinder heads:
Both cylinder heads have now been completely stripped down, restored & re-assembled. All the engine valves were removed & cleaned prior to re-fitting. One completed cylinder head has recently been fitted (October 2013) to the main engine block, detailing work in being completed on the second head & it is expected that this will be fitted during late 2013.
Gear box:
The gear box was completely seized with rust, one of the main drive cogs was also bent from ice damage. After many man hours the gear box was final stripped with all the internal components being cleaned, blasted (where appropriate) & refitted. This assembly now turns with ease by hand & is pretty much ready for refit. The outer case has been repainted as much of the original paint had weathered off.

History of Ju-88 D1 Werke Number 088 1203: (under restoration at Bodø Museum in Norway)
History Ju-88 D1 Werke Number 088 1203:
Type: Ju88 D-1
Serial: 088 1203
Markings: 4N+EH
Unit: 1(F)/22
History: Started out from Kirkenes to bomb the ship A.Marti (3500 t.) South of Bjørnøya February 17th. 1943. Was hit by flak and had to belly-land with damage to the left engine. None of the crew were wounded. Later on some important parts recovered by german soldiers from Banak AF. After the war sold by the Norwegian Government to a team of four living in Mehamn. Intended to be broken up as scrap.
Crew of 1203:
Feldwebel Gerhard Kunert (B.17.03.1920) Pilot
Lt. Hans Krüger. (B.07.03.1920) Observer/Nav.
Unteroffizier Fritz Sundergeld (B.22.05.1922) Radio operator.
Unteroffizier Georg Lechner (B.24.06.1920) Air gunner.
The Museum would like to thank all those that have assisted with the project.
The Wings Museum is keen to hear from any individuals with experience in either aircraft restoration or engines in general. If you would like to be involved in this worth while project then please contact Daniel Hunt via e-mail on info@wingsmuseum.co.uk please include a brief background on yourself. .
Also if anyone has any information as to the whereabouts of any Jumo 211 parts then the Wings Museum would like to hear from you.
For more information about the restoration of Ju-88 Werke Number 088 1203 please see here.
Check out the Jumo’s own Facebook Page